Summer is almost here… And I have shopped on some of the essentials to be summer ready….
Here I’m sharing with you 8 summer hand bag essentials which I want you consider in your carry on bags…. To beat the heat…
These are my essentials. Do let me know if I have missed out on some,..,, and do share your handbag summer essentials with me here in the comments section below๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

1.  Scarf; A must have in our bags; not only to protect face but also to protect hair from the excessive heat.

2.  Sunscreen;  Even after wearing a scarf, application of sunscreen is very important..
Make sure that the SPF factor in your sunscreen is high enough considering your day out and also it should state protection against UBV along with UVA.
Lotus Sunscreen of SPF 25 and 30, which gives sun protection for 5 and 4 hrs respectively.

3. Handkerchief and Tissue:
Such a clichรฉ.. But do not forget to carry an handkerchief to wipe face of the sweet as well as after you wash your face at any time of the day.
Even if you have handkerchief most of the time you do not want to wipe sweat with it.. so it is better to have tissues or face wipes to wipe off tand throw them away.
4. Rose Water: This is a very essential product as application of rose water calms the skin, and is very helpful when you feel your face needs that hydration and coolness. 
If carrying a big bottle and applying it is a tedious job and your not comfortable doing so... then you just need a small spray bottle to pore in some quantity; spray on face as an when you want and your good to go.
Dabur and Patanjali Rose water

5. Aloe Vera Gel:
If you have a sensitive skin and have redness all over. Application of Aloe Vera gel is the best. 
 Patanjali's Aloe vera gel

6. Lip Balm:
If your like me and have a dry chapped lips in summers... then  this is a most essential thing for you... Be it a lip moisturizer, lip balm or oil... all will do a great job in keeping you lips hydrated and soft all the time.
Nivea Lip balm in Peach Shine

7. Perfume:
Perfume/ deodorant is always handy is summers not only to make you feel pleasant but also fresh despite of the heat and sweat.
Carrying a miniature version of Deo/perfume is always a better option.

8. Compact:
For all those who are conscience of how they look or have some important event to attend just do a touch up to make look fresh and avoid sweaty face.
 Compact- Mayberline NewYork in shade ''Shell''.

Until Next Time



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